Removing hover effect

Hello everybody,

I’m trying to remove an hover effect that was set up on a collection grid (section main 3).
But I don’t see it anywhere in the Interaction menu (nor in the legacy interaction).

As you see, when you pass on the collection boxes, the titles and texts moves (and sometimes the image depending on the device). I want to remove all of that.

Does someone has an idea how to do it ?

Thanks a lot,

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi @Adrien75 - this seems to be coming from the ‘hover’ state, which is aligning things vertically. Removing or restoring these values to default should fix this.

Hope this helps.

Hello domin8tor,

Thanks for your reply.
I activated the hover state and remove all the blue dots or label and it worked !


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