Remove extra space on homepage

Hi! How do i get rid of extra spacing on the bottom of my homepage. For reference I am talking about all the white space below the “join the waitlist” button. I’m new to webflow so thank you for your help in advance.

Your page is constructed in a very unusual way. The extra space is due to the multiple elements that use relative positions shifts of 1000+ pixels each. Only use relative position shift when an element needs to move outside of a normal layout structure. I recommend this course before diving in:

That link does not look like the webpage at all, i’m not sure why.

Got it! It was the only way to get the images to lay how i wanted them? do i change them all back to static?

I’m not sure where to begin. It should be rebuilt unfortunately.
Have you considered testing out one of the free templates to get a feel for proper layout techniques?

I have not…I have looked through some of the templates to see anything that looked close to what i designed in xd but I couldnt find any. Thank you for all the help

So I redid it, and got rid of all the space! and I was able to get the images on exactly how i designed it on xd, however I’m trying to repeat the same on the right, but instead of staying towards the right end, like how it is in designer, it overlays on the text. Any advice?

I made a quick video showing how I’d personally construct the layout so that there’s no extra space causing unwanted vertical and horizontal scrolling.

The gist is that I’ve created a 3 column layout using flex box property.
Column1 = 25% wide, Column2 = 50% wide, Column3 = 25% wide.

Columns 1 and 3 are set to relative position and the images inside are set to absolute position. I used z-index to stack them.

Column 2 is set to flexbox vertical and centered.

I dont know how to thank you! I appreciate this so much!