(Grey is an image background)
How I could force the text body and the form field to stay under the banner? (when I resize the browser window) If it can be done with relative/absolute positioning, how could I make the banner field their parent element?
Hi @rkurdi, @vincent is right. You will not need any positioning for this layout. Try the following:
Main Div (with background image)
Hero Div (your banner)
Row (with 2 columns)
Column 1 (spanning 8 columns)
Column 2 (spanning 4 columns)
This is only a slight modification from Vincents recommendation to take into account your gray section (I try to avoid styling the body if possible) I hope this helps - it should get you started with your layout.
EDIT in re: @Revolution’s comment: Yes, styling the body for site-wide styles (i.e. fonts etc) is encouraged and imo falls under industry best practices. For other things, try to avoid if possible.