Reduce unsued java script HELP

Hello, I have a video and photo-heavy site as my business is video.
The web vitals are web and there are many JS.

I don’t know how can I fix this. Is there a solution here?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi Firart, taking a look there are lot of HTTP requests to Vimeo causing your site to be slow you can lazy load them and use the code embed offered by Viemo to do so. Here is a similar issue to yours which may of help!

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Hmm, I tried it but it seems like it actually lowered the score but it should’ve improved it… Interesting.

Hmm it did go up on my end from 28 to 48 however still bad can I ask what is this for as this request has a huge payload (500kb) according to Gmetrix and also have you tried to host the video internally?

This 500KB CRM’s embed form I think comes with its own JS.

By the way, I am only concerned about mobile. The desktop is good.

Any ideas?
Maybe I can just cancel videos on mobile?

The most performant approach is to use lightboxes for videos. Exactly as is done on youtube and vimeo themselves.

Yeap so checking around Jeff is correct also youd want re-arrange your form embed into the footer so it loads last and then use interactions and indexes to rearrange hope you get to the bottom of it and have linked a similar issue down below and stuff you can also look into

Lightbox solved the issue. Now can I also load the form JS on button click? or shall I add the form to the footer?

Thank you everyone!

I was thinking if I can load the form JS (500KB) on button click?

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Can I get a quote for a full lighthouse optimization for my site?

Hi Firat, so to answer your question about on button click you’ll need to use JS custom code to achieve that a good example would be this

and what do you mean about the quote, would you want an audit of your site?

Hi Firat,

I can improve the page speed performance score for Mobile and desktop as max as possible at Google page speed insights.

I am expert in website speed optimization and done it many times.
Let me know if you are interested ?


Hey Amit Yes I am interested. Send me DM

Hi Firat,

So, can we start the work?


I think I figured it out thank you!