Google PageSpeed Insights gives the homepage on my new site a rating of 5 out of 100:
In contrast to the uploaded site (whether on Siteground’s servers or Webflow’s staging server), when toggling preview in Webflow, the page loads smoothly and instantly.
Webflow user Mike Yevin suggested that “It looks like the lower score issue comes from the video usage on the page (multiple videos that all appear to be loading their own script files). There are some tutorials on preventing these videos from being fully “loaded” until the user interacts with them (only showing a preview image and a play button at first) and since you’re not auto-playing any of them by default this would be my recommendation. I’ve done it before on YouTube video players before, but I’d imagine the process for Vimeo is similar or even the same, so it should be fairly easy to do with a small snippet of custom code.”
I did spend about an hour trying to locate these tutorials without success. I then contacted Vimeo, who hypothesized it could be caused by the code generated by Webflow, and suggested using their embed code instead (see below):
As they suggested, I tried replacing Webflow’s Video Element with the Embed Element containing their native code, but then I lose the ability to auto-resize the video at lower breakpoints, which makes this an unpractical solution. (I also suspect that the Webflow Video Element is not the source of the speed issue and that they were just offering a generic suggestion.)
Not being a coder, I’m at an impasse right now. I would really appreciate it if anyone could offer any insights or advice on how I could solve this page speed issue (including any improvements unrelated to the videos if such are possible).
The URLs for my site are (Siteground server) and (Webflow server).
Thank you.
Here is my site Read-Only: