Hello guys, I have 3 pages specially for 3 form submission. After fill in any of form user redirected to main page. Is it possible to make success message shows to the user after he redirected to main page?
Or is it possible to make form submission shows to the user after he pushed the button, so I don’t need 3 pages for 3 form submissions?
Is it possible to make success message shows to the user after he redirected to main page?
Currently the success message is removed if you add a redirect link for the form. You can add a success message on the redirected page though. So instead of setting the home page as the redirect page, you can set it to an intermediary page that says “Thank you! Go to the homepage…”
Or is it possible to make form submission shows to the user after he pushed the button, so I don’t need 3 pages for 3 form submissions?
Can you explain more? I don’t understand the question completely.
Well, now the user push the button and he redirected to the page with form, after fill in a form he redirected to homepage, I wanna know is there possibility to make that user push the button, the form submission appeared over the homepage, after fill in the form it’s just disapeared, so all action are done in the homepage, no any page for form needed.
I know, I can make form submission in the main page, but I want that user see it only after pushing the button, check my site.