Recolor Lottie Icons Workflow?

Hey, I’m somewhat new to Webflow, and I am using a lot of custom Lottie animations for icons and interactions.

Now I ran into the issue that it seems like there is no way to simply control the Lottie’s fill & stroke colors?

What is the intended workflow here? Is there any streamlined way in which I can control all or only specific colors of a Lottie file?

Thanks for your time and help, I greatly appreciate it.

Hello @YannikP
You cannot recolor lottie files on Webflow
Inside webflow you can only manipulate the lottie play percentage using interactions.

Probably you could try these

  • Try using CSS filters on the lottie, maybe you can acheive the color you look for inside of webflow. Not possible mostly.
  • You can try editing the lottie using tools like Jitter