Really need help with interactions


How do I make the image zoom in when I hover my mouse to the image?
For example, if you move your mouse on the icon buttons on the home page, it animates.

I hope someone can help me!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @Angeline_Neo

This is quite simple.

First, select your image in the canvas and click on the blue arrow in the selectors-tab. Then click on Hover.


Then scroll all the way down to the Effects-panel and click on Transforms.
Then go to the Scale tab and choose the size you want when the image is hovered.

Now your image grows when you hover over it. If you want a smooth growing effect, just do this:

First, go back to the None state in the selectors panel.


Then scroll down again and click on Transform in the Effects panel.

Then choose the type Transform.

Now you can choose the duration and the easing curve you want for the animation.

And your DONE :slight_smile:

I hope this could help

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