Publishing an asset file to a custom URL

Hi Everyone,

Looking for some help here.

I have a file (.pdf) stored in my asset library i.e.

I would like to customise the URL ‘‘’’ to be ‘‘’’, so users can directly access the file by going to ‘‘’’

Thanks in advance,

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

You have a few options;

You could add a 301 redirect, so that the URL works, but the end URL will still be Webflow’s asset URL.

You could setup a reverse proxy which would give you exactly the URL you want, but adds a fair bit of infrastructure. I do a lot of work in this space.

You could also host the file somewhere else like, and use a subdomain, like

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*You need a web server to host your website and handle requests. If you don’t have one already, you can use services like Apache, Nginx, or even a cloud hosting provider like AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure.

Configure Web Server: Once you have your web server set up, you need to configure it to handle requests for your custom URL ( and serve the PDF file from the asset library when someone accesses

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