I currently have some issues with dynamic checkboxes in a normal form.
I added a dynamic list in a form and linked it to the relevant collection. Afterwards, I put an checkbox into the dynamic item and linked the field label to the required collection field.
Now I have the problem that, as long a I click on the checkbox itself - the correct checkbox gets selected. But, if I click on the field label of the 2nd, 3rd, … item, the first checkbox gets selected.
[REMOVED PROJECT LINK] >> I had to switch to static to make the form work
That’s the link to my project. You will find the form on the bottom of the home page.
You shouldn’t put checkboxes in dynamic lists. All will have the same name and ID, causing the labels to only toggle the first checkbox with the same ID.
Hi! I ran into exactly the same issue… For now, I couldn’t find any other solution than either static checkboxes, or embedding an external form. Could you find another way to solve, or work around it?
I have looked and looked through the forums for a solution to this. Since 2017 and no solution still? I also have the issue of properly returning email values from the dynamic checkbox /radio buttons in forms. I have tried adding all the code snippets from other posts with no luck. Please if someone has found a solution to this problem let us know.