Hi everyone!
I’m new to Webflow, so that’s why I am currently doing all the beginners tutorials I found on Webflow University.
Actually I’m trying to make the same effect that the one on this video, to practice and to have a better understanding of all the functionalities that Webflow is proposing: Triggers & Animations - Webflow interactions and animations tutorial - YouTube : trying to make text animations pass below a .png image.
So about the animation I -almost- understood the way it works, but about the fact that the text will go below a file .png I don’t know what to do. I do not even now if the fact to create a .png and to upload it is the thing to do but I supposed : I tried during 6 hours today. I also tried to put my text before and after my image but none of this is working.
And like i am writing my problems here I also have one about the text size : I can choose any type of text (paragraph / heading / text bloc / …) I will never be able to modify his size because of the “All body pages” that is blocking it and I can not found where it is to modify… That is why the size of my text is as little as that.
If somebody could please explain me all the wrong things that I am doing it would be really nice. I am more than motivated but now I just can’t think anymore I got the feeling that I tried all the things that came to my mind…
Thanks a lot and have a nice friday. And sorry about the faults I am not an english native.
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(how to share your site Read-Only link)