Prevent Image download/screenshot

My client wants to prevent screenshots and downloading images. As far I know there were no direct means in Webflow to achieve this. Is there a way to do this?

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How would you stop someone from screenshotting something displayed on their computer? Answer: You can’t stop that; it has nothing to do with Webflow. It applies to using the web or any app in general. As for images, when you view one in your browser, you have already downloaded it, just like all the content delivered by the server.

While watermarking images and using JavaScript to turn off right-clicking may seem like viable solutions, they come with limitations. AI can easily remove watermarks, and bypassing JavaScript is as simple as looking at the source or using dev tools. Even gating your content won’t prevent it from being downloaded by the browser, and it certainly won’t deter determined individuals from sharing it.

Recommendation - don’t publish a website.

You can find out more by having a conversation with your favorite AI.


Hi @Gurukoushik_R you should tell your client exactly what @webdev pointed out . More aware you should be about companies that will claim your work as Webflow did few moths ago before they cleared out how data will be used.

Now it was Adobe and there are definitely other SaaS that use these dirty methods relay that users do not read terms and conditions. This is you should be worried about and not about a few people who can do it anyway.

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As both Jeff and Stan said, that’s simply not how the web works. In fact, just viewing the content means it’s effectively downloaded to your computer first.

The main techniques you can use to deter content theft and make it slightly more difficult are;

Deter save-image menus

  • Block the right click menu using script
  • Use HTML canvas rendering rather than image elements

Watermark images, so they’re branded

Size and quality reduce images so that only low-res versions can be stolen easily

But none of will prevent someone who is determined from snagging your content.