Port site using Fin Sweet content cut off

I have a portfolio site I’ve been working on for photography. Currently I’m using Fin Sweet’s custom code https://www.finsweet.com/ to generate custom JS. I’ve reached out to Webflow and Finsweet for assistance, but haven’t found a solution yet. I’m having an issue with the display on mobile. Desktop seems to work ok. I’m also using typography to achieve the mosaic look. Also, content is being generated via a collection in CMS. IF there is a better way to do this, I’m open to suggestions!!

The problem is this (only on mobile):

On the gallery page I have multiple buttons that sort the images into categories. When the gallery page is first opened, everything functions as normal. After selecting a category, you’ll notice the right column gets a bit funky. I’m not sure what to do to correct this!

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - upskiedown

Here is the published site: https://www.upskiedown.com/

Thank you for your help!!!