Finsweet Modal not working on mobile

Hello everyone,

I am building a website for a client. In the “Who We Are” page, the client wants to showcase their team members, with the ability to click on each team member to view additional information in a modal pop-up.

I have implemented Finsweet modal solution Accessible Modal Popups for Webflow and it’s currently working smoothly on desktop and tablet devices. However, I’ve noticed a bug on mobile devices. When attempting to close the modal by clicking on the “x” button, the modal closes momentarily, but then reopens automatically and can’t be closed anymore.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance or insights on how to resolve this issue. Thank you in advance for your help.

All the best,

Website: Who we are

Read-only link: Webflow - Rarebase

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I am having the same issue.


Yes, currently its the same issue for me on mobile. I’ve overcome it by replacing it with webflow interactions instead.


Hey @jiyong! Do you mean using the Finsweet IX modal rather than JS modal, or building a custom modal in Webflow?

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Hey @Drake_Ballew , you can choose to duplicate the IX modal interactions they have in the accessible components library. Or build one from scratch, both works.

P.S. they are aware of this issue and is implementing a fix for it, you could also wait for them to solve it.


Got it - makes sense. I’m glad they are aware of the issue, seems like it should be a quick fix once they get to it. Thanks for the update!


Hey drake. This s a new bug since when? 2 of my modals are now having the same problem.

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I was able to get it working by adding Webflow interaction on the close elements. Opacity to 0 on modal wrapper and display none after.