Pop-up window issues

Hello. I’m working on a pop-up-window to show my students in my Web Design class. I’ve been working with the two tutorials below. I can create the modal shown in the screenshot below from this link (Best Pop Up Modal Websites | Free Examples & Designs - Webflow). But, I can’t figure out how to put it inside of my existing web page in WebFlow. The individual in the video may have just created the modal he uses himself in the YouTube video below.


For the second tutorial below, when I create the pop-up-item div block inside the pop-up div block that the creator of the video has done and then change it to flex and center it vertically and horizontally on the page, it just stays at the top of the screen and takes up the entire width of the screen. In the video, his pop-up-item div block is very small and centers horizontally and vertically on the page. My pop-up-window-item is shown below the YouTube link. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Mr. Saunders

Business/Technology Teacher

Avella Jr./Sr. High

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