I have a video on a page with sound, I want it to only start playing when scrolled into view. I have tried multiple options with custom code and even a finsweet code but for some reason nothing works.
Can anyone let me know what I am doing wrong? Seems pretty simple but I really have trouble with it.
The sound is the problem. Modern browsers have an “it’s complicated” relationship with autoplay due to abuses by marketers. A muted video will autoplay fine.
Otherwise there are only a few specific cases where autoplay with sound is permitted, and this varies by browser;
The user must have interacted with the page (e.g., by clicking somewhere on the page) before autoplaying with sound is allowed. I find it difficult to meet Chrome’s interaction requirements consistently. For example in an IFRAMEd youtube video, a button click to unmute and restart won’t work on Chrome. It might work with a video element directly.
Chrome allows autoplay with sound if the site has a high Media Engagement Index (MEI), meaning the user frequently consumes media on that site.
On mobile devices, autoplay with sound is often disabled unless the user adds the site to their home screen or the site is a Progressive Web App (PWA).