Autoplay video on scroll into view

Hi there,

I think I have a simple question, but it seems like I can’t find the right answer anywhere.

I wanna autoplay a video that I host from Dropbox when it is scrolled into view.

I can make it autoplay in the preview but not on scroll into view. On the published site the video doesn’t even play at all.

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK](Webflow - Portfolio 2019)
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Do we have anything that works for Vimeo videos when used as background videos?


I have been able to trigger the play and pause of a Vimeo embed using the gasp scroll trigger.

I used a i-frame embed for my Vimeo video and gave it an ID of #vimeo-video in the code embed block

Paste the below code into the Before body tags of you page

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

// Video play and pause on scroll
  var player = new Vimeo.Player($("#vimeo-video")[0]);

    trigger: "#vimeo-video", // can be switched to another element id or class
    start: "top center", // Adjust as necessary
    end: "bottom 30%", // Adjust as necessary
    //markers: true,  //switch this on to help visulise start and end points
    onEnter: () => {;
    onLeave: () => {
    onEnterBack: () => {;
    onLeaveBack: () => {