How can I make my hero image shrink so that it keeps the full image through the break points.
Now it is just cropping the image so the right half is missing. I want it to
- get smaller or
- crop form either side keeping the face.
Here is my site Read-Only: ** Webflow - Sheena's Portfolio Website **
(how to share your site Read-Only link)
If you take off your max width on the image and then set the image itself to cover, centred positioning and tile to none then you should get the behaviour you’re looking for. If you want the image to get smaller, set the image to custom and the width to 100%
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It doesn’t get smaller on phone devices ?
Thanks amazing thank you !
If I remember right you have the image set slightly differently on tablet, it might be overriding. Double check that and it should work
Set this to 100% on tablet and it’ll get smaller on mobile
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Ok I got it !
Do you know why on landscape mobile mode my Header & grey container is clipped ?

I used 100% height instead as the image was shrinking more than the grey box!
Your letter spacing is different on landscape mobile, if you want the text to be wider here, you’ll have to change the font size too

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