hello there, nice to meet u ppl over here, its my first post and Im quite new to webflow
doing the tutorials for a week now, which is quite a lot of input not beeing a real designer
and only with a fair amount of background when it comes to html/css programming.
so I have a question related to buttons and states, Im not finding any answer if I google it or going through the tutorials (maybe Ive missed that one). Its actually quite simple:
I have two buttons that have a background color opacity of value x (example 55%).
When I hover each of them, its set to 100% (state: hover).
Now what Im looking for is:
- the button which is clicked (!) once, should stay with its opacity at 100% (even Im getting out of button hover focus)
- when the first button is clicked, the second button sets its opacity back to 55%
I cant find the right start, except doing a on click animation. but not sure how and whats the right way.