Override fixed navbar scroll offset

Somehow the JS is being broken by a Webflow interaction.

If you load this page, initially it works great! Shows and hides exactly as expected. But if you trigger a certain interaction by clicking the logo at the top and then clicking it again to close the revealed nav, the JS no longer works.

Here’s the test site: http://mobile-nav-test2.webflow.com/#SideNav-Top
Here’s the Designer Link: https://webflow.com/design/mobile-nav-test2?preview=6577d28fcd5e8f06efed647ba1f3753f

Anyone have any experience with this problem?

Hey @deezel - wondering if you had any thoughts about my last post? Your js code works awesome UNTIL I trigger the side nav action by touching the logo and then touch it again to close it. The nav bar doesn’t hide after that
