I am trying to fix the overflow issue on my website.
I fixed the slider area, in the header, so it all does not extend over the body. Its all %.
Now, i need to fix all of desktop pages to not overflow also.
I took one page as a Case Study. The ‘Sharing from Clients page’.
So i changed width to percent and made sure nothing is overflowing.
To my gratitude, the sharing page did no longer overflow on the laptop. YIppee.
But then on the desktop it not only overflows…
–On laptop the container box did not extend longer then the background gradient, menu bar, or slider area; Now on desktop, the container box is way huger then the items listed above
–There is white space overflow.
I do not get why its like this. Laptop looked fine.
Sharing from Clients was case study before i apply similar technique to the rest of the desktop pages, fixing overflow.
Need to understand what happen with desktop why it doesnt match laptop.
Can you check the page on your LAPTOP, then on your DESKTOP,
and let me know if you see the same as I?
My friend, while i do appreciate your feedback, can you please apply analysis and feedback to the 'Sharing from Client’s" page (located under the ‘About’ dropdown menu).
You applied your feedback to the Home Page.
Please visit the ‘Sharing’ page… its supposed to look good on laptop… please answer:
Does it have no overflow on your laptop?
When you go to your desktop, is their overflow?
These 2 questions are whats really key; what is below is not essential and can be disregarded.
Given your explanation with the attached image reply, I have questions.
1. Is the max on desktop 1,000px, or 960px? 2. If i re-size that sharing block to 960px, then it gets smaller in my viewport of laptop/desktop.
I want it stay big!
So, am i correct in stating, the solution is to just make it %!
I can make it 90%, for instance, and it remains its exact size.
Then i use % for the other devices, and there is no overflow, and we succeed.
So, you should build sites with a structure with Containers widgets so they fit in the 960px mark, then under that default to the tablet and phones views.