"Open in new tab" bug in dynamic links


I have trouble getting my dynamic list page stay on the same page even when “open new tab” is unchecked.

It only works on the first click but as soon i click on the next category it opens up a new page.

Need help asap as i need to launch the website tomorrow.

Thanx in advance.

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Frukett
(how to share your site Read-Only link)


Thanks for reaching out, and I’m happy to help. This is definitely strange behavior, and it’s a known issue that we’re currently investigating and working on. The key factor here is that it’s happening on your Category pages, and we’re working on a solution.

In the meantime, we may have a workaround for you from your categories page:

  1. Can you remove those link/button elements, and recreate them (you can apply the same class to make it faster). Afterwards, republish and test them.
  2. If that doesn’t work, can you select “Open in a new tab”, publish, and check again

We’re definitely working on a permanent fix for this!

Thanks for your patience and understanding,


Related buggy behaviour: "Link setting > Open in new tab" works in opposite way - #5 by gurigurico

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Thanks for that @StuM!

I can see Brandon also recommended the same workarounds while our developers find (and fix) the underlying cause!

@Webby – I hope these workarounds can solve the immediate problem, but please let me know if you have any further questions or issues. We’ll keep you updated on the status of the permanent fix, as well!

Hi @Andrew @StuM ,

Thanks for your help, i used suggested method by ticking the box (reversed method).

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