Hello, I’m building a standard newsletter pop-up for a client.
I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong… It’s a standard Modal with a semi-opaque overlay and pop-up box on top.
The “X” SVG icon is placed on the top right of the box. If you click on the “X” icon, the box closes.
Currently, I have the modal to show up after 10 seconds.
The weird thing is after I close the pop-up, no links are clickable on the page.
I’m assuming the problem has to do with the overlay. But I can’t figure out what the problem is.
Please help if you spot something I couldn’t see. Any insights would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!!
Webflow read only link: Webflow - REDC Website
Here is PW protected public link: [LINK](https://www.renaissance-ny.org/pop-up-test)
PW: 8888
(how to access public share link)