NOT Favicon or Meta Tags 🥶

Hi , i was checking my blog on google, other website are showing the name of the site, while i see the website above the domain… i am sure this is not MEta tag, can you please tell me how to fix this?? i have already added the name in the General settings of the project, weeks ago.

Google makes its own determination.

I’ve had some success using the JSON-LD WebSite schema and Organization schema to define the org and icon. Even though Google does not identify the WebSite schema as supported, Google Search Console does seem to see and accept it.

You can also try clicking the 3 dots and report a problem, I’ve had some limited success there also.

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Thanks… :slight_smile:
one more thing, can we add more option here? what do we call this? i am sure webflow must have tutorial about this, but i do not know the name…

I call it “add field” or “embedded fields”. I don’t know if Webflow has a special name for it.

You can use it to add CMS data into your custom code.

is there any way, i can add more stuff to this + Add Field ? there are few options are missing.

Not all field types are supported if that’s what you’re asking- you can check the docs for that.

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