No dropdown mobile menu

I created a nav menu and in mobile there is only the icon, no dropdown.

Everyting is set to visible, just not in desktop.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hello @UrbanDownfall

  1. move menu mutton out of nav menu, they are should be siblings, not nested to each other
  2. you don’t have to make menu button display: none on desktop if you set all navigation become “mobile menu” only tablet and mobile
  3. there is applied wrong tags on navbar elements: mobile menu button should have tag div (not nav) and nav menu should have tag nav (not div)
  4. there is “Banner section” which has fixed position and for some reason do not let show up nav menu. But when you make this section position: relative - mobile dropdown start to work

not complicated at all!! haha

It’s like learning another language.

Ill try this, thanks for the fast replies!

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