I have some issue with my nested drop-downs: in short I am attempting to put a drop-down menu within a drop-down menu.
When I hover the first one it opens a div with 4 links. 2 dropdown and 2 regular links in that precise order vertically.
When I hover the 2 first dropdown menu everything works good until I hover the regular links below dropdowns.
There the first dropdown menu disaperar…
I dont know what to do to get this first div remaining opened to be able to hover the regular links.
Any help please?
Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK](Webflow - Dropdown menu)
(how to share your site Read-Only link)
Hi there,
If your dropdown menu closes too quickly when using the “Open menu on hover” setting, there are two ways to resolve this:
- Remove any top margins on the dropdown list or bottom margins on the dropdown toggle to eliminate gaps that break the hover state
- Add a close delay by navigating to the Navbar element’s Settings panel (in the right sidebar) and adjusting the close delay time in milliseconds - this gives users more time to reach the dropdown content
Hopefully this helps! If you still need assistance, please reply here so somebody from the community can help.
No margin and 400ms delay on all dropdowns
really need help on that one…