Need to serve Webflow behind Cloudflare - does this SSL solution work?

We’ve recently moved to Webflow.

For many years, we’ve been running a series of Cloudflare Workers on our domain.

It appears that Webflow and Cloudflare don’t work great together, considering the SSL handshake can fail upon renewal.

I found this solution today and implemented it:

In short, it’s using a Cloudflare Page Rule that turns off SSL on a specific URL to make the handshake go through.

Does this work in practice?

I’d like to know before running into any issues.


Hello @jeroenimo, welcome to the community!

Take a look at this tutorial, I think it will answer your question in the video around minute 38 Alex talks about using Cloudflare and Webflow and the SSL handshake. I hope this helps!

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I’ve never had any luck getting Erik’s ( Tenten ) approach to work, the certs are still unable to renew.

Alex’s ( Finsweet ) approach works great and I’ve been using it for years- didn’t know it was in a vid! Thanks @Pablo_Cortes!

You can find a writeup of their DNS approach in github as well-

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Thank you guys!

The approach of Alex (Finsweet) seems rather complex, especially considering we already have workers creating subdirectories etc.

Anyone having positive experience and learnings with Erik’s (Tenten) approach.