Hi Webflow, I have a slider interaction problem I can’t solve, wondering if anybody can see where I’m going wrong.
On this page, https://akarana.webflow.io/, there are two sections, one is visible on page load, ‘wrap-barrister-cntnt’, and the other is hidden, ‘wrap-people-slider’. When selecting the arrows on the right of section ‘wrap-barrister-cntnt’ it becomes hidden and reveals section ‘wrap-people-slider’. This works fine.
The revealed slider has ‘slider change’ animations on the elements, they are working fine when the slides change.
The problem is that I can not get the slider-change movement to play when the slider is revealed for the first time after switching between the initial hidden page load section and the people-slider section. I’m assuming it’s because the slider hasn’t actually changed yet.
Is there a way to get the first slide to play the slide-change interaction on its initial appearance?
As the section ‘wrap-barrister-cntnt’ is revealed on a click interaction, I have tried adding the movement I want to see on the first slide to the interaction that loads the barristers slider (Mouse Click ‘GoTOPeople’). This works when building the movement in the Interaction First Click Actions panel and the Interaction preview is run, but in the actual Weblow preview window (and published dev site), only one movement interaction works, the upwards motion of the dev wrapping the text.
This interaction works when the preview
I’m a bit stumped on how to get what I want. Anybody got any ideas?
Here is my public share link: