First Animation of Slider Interaction is not displaying correct at 2nd time

Hi There,

I have a slider at my website and created an Animation for Slide in and Slide out. There are three elements animated inside a slide.

Everything is working fine. But the first element is animated just for the first time or first slide. At the following slides the first element just only appears. The following two elements are correctly animated. I have no idea…

Many thanks for your help, guys!!! :sweat_smile:

How are you intending for the slide animation to play out? What I see is the initial slide with no animation at all when scrolled to, with the 2nd slide quote copy appearing sharply followed by the Author and position.

If you are looking to animate the first slide, add a ‘Scroll into View’ interaction for the slider and the elements of slide 1.

Hope that helps or if that is what you’re after!

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