Need a bigger breakpoint beyond 992 px

I really like Webflow so far, but that maximum breakpoint of 992 px is jus too small a screen size. Elements look too small on bigger screen sizes, but they look too big if I enlarge them on smaller sizes. Does anyone know if Webflow is adding another breakpoint for larger screens at some point? Or is there a way around this without custom code?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Hey @Chris_Churchill

Don’t use the container element. Create your own container by adding a div and setting max width.

Piter :webflow_heart:

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Hey. I do that already. I would like to adjust the size of the text and others elements for bigger screen sizes

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Right now the only way is to use custom breakpoints.

Aw. ok. I hope they add a bigger breakpoint in the future.
I guess I can compromise and just play around with using VW sizing for text and some other elements. That could work out ok.

@Chris_Churchill I personally use the following workaround:

I set all my spaces and sizes in rem units which depend on the main html font size, right? Then on some smaller desktop breakpoint (usually I use height of the screen to target those tiny laptops) and simply change html font size. Like so:

@media screen and (max-height: 580px) {

html { 

font-size: 14px; 


Everything on the page will scale down and will look better on smaller screen.

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Sounds good. I’ll give it a go. Thank you.

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Let me know how it went!

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