Hello - I need some help fixing my site, which I just launched. It doesnt look like it does in the designer. On mobile breakpoint, the top navbar extends beyond the width of my phone’s screen, on the right. After my Hero section scrolls, the width decreases with it, but still extends beyond the width of my phones screen. Why is this happening and why are my sliders affecting the navbar width? I have pretty much every width set to 100%, so the containers should only be going to the edge of my screen (as it shows on the designer)
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EDIT: Tried reducing the width and height of the orange chevrons that I have set to Absolute.
It’s odd - the site still appears too wide, but reduces to its proper width - but only after the Hero slider is scrolled…
hi @KVD you container that has animation applied (first in sec-skills with Fly in items) should have set overflow: hidden. Once is set issue should be solved.