Nav Space Between not working even though I created div inside nav

Hello I am having an issue with my nav not properly displaying the space between. I saw in previous forum posts that wrapping the nav contents inside a div in the nav and then applying the flexbox properties to it would work but this isn’t the case for me. Any help to resolve this would be very much appreciated.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Do you want your menu to be like this?

yes! How did you do that?

Just make the width of div a fix, and apply the auto in margin

  • Remove the space-between alignment from the parent div .div-block-19. Screenshot
  • Remove the margin-left: 0 style from .container-6.
  • Add margin-left: auto to .nav-menu-2. Screenshot
  • I strongly recommend avoiding the use of float for styling.

Thank you so much that worked!

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