You can duplicate the site using the links in the menu on that page, and see how it’s made. It requires a bit of trickery as there are some downsides to fight with. It’s not only about hovering then showing the menu, it’s also dealing with what happens when you hover out, and how not to los the cursor focus when you go from the droped down menu to the menu item itself.
Thanks Vincent, but I was not referring to the dropdown menu. I meant the animation when you hover over the nav links…i guess that is clearer right? I have edited my initial request to reflect this.
Thanks your response has drawn me to make myself clearer.
So do it with interaction. Put your menu into a div, and design a line inside the div too. Place it under the first link.
Now create and interaction on the second link, on hover, that makes the line move under it (x many pixels). Duplicate the interaction and alter it for the third link. Etc. Don’t forget to craft one last interaction for the first link, that gets the line move to original position.