Nav Drop Down - Causing Conflict with Interaction?


I have a section on my site which uses Fullpage.js for interactions which are triggered on scroll - see here.

I need to add a new Nav item which is a drop down (sectors). When I do this, a strange conflict seems to occur when you hover / click the drop down a number of Divs change to display:none (these divs are linked to the scroll trigger interactions). See clip for example.

I cannot figure out why or how this is happening . Initially I was thinking it is something to do with the dropdown state reverting to the original page load state but I am at a loss?

Any thoughts or ideas would be great. @vincent - you have helppreviosuly with Fullpage and interactions so not sure if this is your bag? I have included the public share lilnk however best to view on staging as the Fullpage.js will be active.

Many thanks,


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

I like this site very much, kudos for the design and interactions.

(the circle in the white section with a mesh head isn’t centered like the others BTW)

The IX on the last nav-item is set to the class so when you click on any other link that has the class, it fires up the IX

Hi Vincent.

Thanks for the feedback - always welcomed (especially on the positive!).

The IX you have highlighted is not the issue, this is working correctly (when clicked this shows the contact form). The issue is when clicking ‘SECTORS’ from any other project other than Soffos (as per the clip). Are you saying this is causing the issue? If so I don’t understand how?


But sectors has the same class than the element with the IX, so the IX happens on it too.

That seems to be incorrect. The IX is attached to ‘Work with us’ which does have the parent Nav Link but this interaction affects the class ‘get in touch’ so there are not any issues here.

The issue is when clicking ‘sectors’ which seems to trigger a ‘random’ interaction - see this clip.

Make sense?

Still struggling to find a fix / solution for this - any help guys would be much appriciated? @cyberdave @sabanna

