Mystery script causing console errors

We’ve run into a bit of a mystery. Our website has browser console errors that say:

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

with the resource that’s failing to load being

and a couple of very similar ones from the same domain/subdomain.

This seems to be a user identifier of some kind from the Krux ad network from a year or so ago - before anyone I work with (myself included) joined the team. These errors appear on every page of the site.

The problem: we can’t find it to remove it.

Webflow support cannot find this code on the backend and neither can we. It’s not in our custom code on the Webflow dashboard and it’s not in the custom code of any pages. It’s not in Google Tag Manager. We simply can’t find where this resource is being told to load.

Any ideas?

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK][1]

Please provide a URL where this is being loaded.

@webdev , I believe we can extract the URL from the read-only people share:


@avlj , the problematic resource you’re looking for is being loaded thrugh an iframe that gets instantiated by the file ThreatLocker.js, which is in your Google Tag Manager.

The ThreatLocker.js file adds an iframe to your page with the src set as , and that iframe src redirects to the URL, which is the URL that holds the files that are causing those errors in your console


That is true and we do that but we inform forum users who asking for help just simply follow forum request guide.

if @avlj or you have denied read it here is short but important summary:

When posting please:

  • Required: Share your project’s Read-Only link and live site’s Published link
  • The read-only link is a special URL generated in the Dashboard to allow others to view your project in the Webflow Designer. How to get your project’s read-only link?
  • The published link is the subdomain where you can view the live site with custom code running. It is IMPORTANT to share this link, as custom code (eg. javaScript) does not run in the Designer.
  • Describe issue in detail including what page, section and/or element is localized
  • Upload as many screenshots as possible or provide screencast videos to help others help you faster
  • Add a description and/or post a link to a working example of what you’re trying to achieve
  • Reply to users by tagging using the @ sign followed by their forum username like this: @forumMemberName

I will add to this. One would have no idea if the issue is limited to a production domain or staging. Frequently third party scripts are configured to only load on production. That is why I asked and as @Stan points out, it is a required bit of info for people to share. I simply don’t have the time to guess.

@Jeandcc Thank you for helping the user resolve their issue. Cheers.