My sections are overlapping even with auto height

Hi! It’s my first Webflow website and I’m following the 21 day portfolio tutorial and I seem to have a problem with overlapping sections. My settings seem to be identical to the tutorial, so I really don’t see why it’s doing that…
As you can see in the screenshots, the sections (outlined in blue) are really narrow in height and the content is simply overflowing the sections… In the first section underneath the purple one, I have a form, which is hidden behind my collection list wrapper.

Maybe your fresh eyes can see my problem!

Here is my site Read-Only:

Hey Kelly,

Looks at though you have a height of 0EM set on your container class, which is causing the issue!

Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 23.05.57

If you reset this, you should find it’s working as normal!

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Thank you so much Mason this worked ! That’s what happens when I try multiple features at the same time :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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