My grid keeps resizing itself for no reason

HI there,

I’m pretty new to Webflow. I’m trying to make a grid, and populating it with some divs and some images and text. For some reason, while scrolling around and doing nothing, the grid will change it size. I can’t exactly replicate it, because it does it randomly, but I’ve recorded it on video. I’m not clicking or doing anything at all, just moving the mouse around, and then all of a sudden, boom it changes on its own. Sometimes it goes back to bigger, and then it shrinks again. In the video I undo/redo, to bring it back to the original intended state, and then i just move the cursor around and it shrinks again. Is this a glitch? Thanks in advance.

hi @Gustavo1 the best way to get help is to follow the forum post guide that is pinned on top of each section, if you have missed it here they are.

When posting please:

  • Required: Share your project’s Read-Only link and live site’s Published link
  • The read-only link is a special URL generated in the Dashboard to allow others to view your project in the Webflow Designer. How to get your project’s read-only link?
  • The published link is the subdomain where you can view the live site with custom code running. It is IMPORTANT to share this link, as custom code (eg. javaScript) does not run in the Designer.
  • Describe issue in detail including what page, section and/or element is localized
  • Upload as many screenshots as possible or provide screencast videos to help others help you faster
  • Add a description and/or post a link to a working example of what you’re trying to achieve
  • Reply to users by tagging using the @ sign followed by their forum username like this: @forumMemberName