My entire collection disappeared

Hello guys

I don’t if someone experiment something like this, but my entire collection is empty now.

I made a backup some days ago, but all my collection is gone (which include my blog article…) do you know if backups can be the cause of this disapeared ? Otherwise, any kind of way to get it back ?

Thanks for your help


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Mine’s disappeared too, genuinely a nightmare as we’ve just sent our newsletter. Don’t think it’s an individual user issue.

Mine is missing big chunks from CMS items. :worried:

UPDATE: All back again. Phew

Hello yes I think it’s webflow. Don’t touch your backup.

Same here, tried to back up and publish, half of my page is gone!

Oh… And it’s back now!

Hi All,

We are sorry for the issue you have experienced. We are aware of the issue with the content/CMS items and we are actively working on a resolution.

Thank you for your patience the issue should now be resolved. If you are still not seeing your items, please refresh your browser when opened in the Designer, this should fix the issue.

For more information, or if you’d like to follow along with any further updates, please visit our status page .

Thank you,

Please let me know if you have any other questions,

Have a Great Day and Happy Designing,

~ Brandon M.

Webflow Customer Technical Support Team

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