My blog thumbnail cards don't link to blog articles


I displayed some thumbnail cards on the homepage that link to the Blog Posts Collections. It has been working properly for a long time. But now I realize that the thumbnail cards no longer link to the articles, but all the links are “Blog | Product Reviews”. I didn’t make any changes to Collections recently.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hello Lily,

The reason why it’s not linking to each blog post is because of the connection that was made in the card component to a SPECIFIC page on your website, not to a CMS template page. If you take a look at the screenshot below, it’s currently linked to a static page, not a CMS template page [The purple one].

Here’s what you need to fix:

  1. Select the Thumbnail Wrapper link.
  2. Click on the cog icon to open the Thumbnail Wrapper settings.
  3. Select the purple page icon and then the Current Blog Post option.

That should link the blog components to each blog post respectively.

Let me know if you have any more questions!

Hi, what if you accidentally deleted the Thumbnail Wrapper a while back? How can I add a new one and ensure it’s linked appropriately?

hi @altkey each project has backups so you can move back (like back in time) but you loose job you have done after.

Yes this i know but I did too much work to go back. I found that I can simply link my image to my blog post without having to add a new thumbnail wrapper.

Another frustrating aspect of Webflow is the lack of intuitive solutions for blog-related issues. No one has the time or energy to revert to previous versions.