Multiple location markers in maps

Hi There

Im looking at creating a map element that allows for multiple pin markers across my city. From what I have seen snazzy maps looks like a possible way to do this. But can this be done with the simple settings inside of Webflow?


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Nope, not much you can do with GMaps from inside of WF for now, unfortunately. Snazzy is a must anyway if you want a non-default looking map.

Snazzy maps is more for custom map themes - to do multi location maps, you’ll need to use a third party app - depends what you need it for but if you want searching and categories, I often use storepoint’s store locator app with my clients which can use snazzy maps themes - otherwise you can just use a more basic map app although I’m not super familiar with them.

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