Mouse move over element is not working properly on Mobile


In fact, I was a video producer until last week.
It may be an easy question, but it is too difficult for me.
If mobile mouseover is solved, I want to open a new field soon

The link above is our test site
We want the mouse over on element interaction

It works perfectly on web pages.
However, the mobile does not recognize the mouse over
Click to activate interaction

I want it to work like a mouse over on mobile

Can you tell me how to do this in the webflow settings?

Thank you and thank you

Beginners from Korea

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi Sanghyun, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Mobile devices don’t have mouse or pointers, hence - this kind of interaction is impossible on mobile devices, and will create an unwanted behaviour (such as: finger tap triggers hover or vice versa)

I suggest a different interaction for mobile. Scroll interaction or a 3rd party gyroscope tilt interaction like this one:
using this plugin: Vanilla-tilt.js

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