Mouse animation: go back to initial state

I’m having an issue with a mouse animation. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

I’ve set up a Mouse animation that scrambles the letters of my logo link, but when the mouse stops hovering it, the letters are still scattered and not properly aligned. Actually, when I publish my site, the logo is never on its supposed initial state that I’ve manually set up.
I tried to change the values to 0px in the “move” section of the animation at 0%, but it doesn’t help either.

Captured are:
1)the logo how it’s supposed to be (in the editor),

  1. how it displays once published.
    Capture d’écran 2022-07-20 à 12.20.58

Here is my public share link: [LINK](Webflow - Trio Pantoum)
(how to access public share link)