Mobile Portrait Problem (a new one I think)

Hi everyone,

I am trying to create a basic portfolio and following along with the Webflow-University videos. all has been going really well, until I get to the responsive video and my site looks OK until I get on Mobile Portrait and everything has gone crazy. Here is my read-only link and any help you have would be much appreciated. I have read so many comments on the youtube video that almost answer it, then don’t at all and cannot find a similar problem on here.

All the best and happy new year,


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Mobile Portrait inherits it’s content and layout from Mobile Landscape which inherits from Tablet which inherits from Desktop. Your site responds fairly well until Mobile Portrait. There it gets it’s formatting from Mobile Landscape and the content won’t fit the space allowed. Edit Mobile Portrait in the Designer to the content fits and is where you want it. Doing that will not effect the other widths.

Take this test/play site >>
and play with it. The image width is 50% at Desktop, 75% at Tablet, 80% at Mobile Landscape and 90% at Mobile Portrait. I also lowered the font size in Mobile.
Play with each - you can’t break it :face_with_monocle:

And that there is why it is always good to get a fresh set of eyes look at ones work. Thank you! ~I thought I had checked everything, alas…