Hey guys,
I am having a huge dilemma here and I hope that I have missed something really simple. I am new to web design and have been learning Webflow for a few months now and loving it! But, here is what I can’t get my head around, why the mobile break point VH settings have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE VIEW PORT HEIGHT OF ACTUAL MOBILE DEVICES IN HORIZONTAL POSITION! This is beyond me. And this is what I mean by that…
So here I am, styling away the hero section for the mobile landscape break point on my website, I publish it, and everything is way out of whack! So I dig a bit deeper, and here is the problem. When you put an element in the mobile landscape break point, a hero section in my case, to 100 VH, the designer will actually use 100 VH of your desktops or laptops view port, not what the actual VH would be of a horizontally held mobile device, which is only like a few inches tall when held horizontally, versus many more on a desktop or laptop! This is beyond me guys. I absolutely love Webflow, but this destroys the whole purpose of a VISUAL DESIGNER if what you SEE on the canvas isn’t even remotely close to what you see on mobile devices, not?
So please, someone tell me I missed something because I wished this wasn’t real. I have seen Pixelgeek go through some content on his live YouTube streams of one of the older Webflow versions where they used to have a mask looking like an actual smart phone where you could really see what your website will look like on a mobile device. Well, maybe that mask is not necessary, but this needs to be real.
Also, I have just discovered, when you check for responsiveness for the mobile landscape break point, when you drag the bar left and right, there are dots on the bottom of the screen on the pixel ruler that display which type if devices this screen size will show on, there are actually no mobile phones shown there but rather larger handheld devices like Amazon Kindle, and Microsoft Surface Pro…???..on a smaller break point than tablets…
How do all of you web designers deal with this? Do you keep tweaking, publish, tweak, publish, tweak, publish…till what you see on real mobile devices actually looks like the design you want? Or is there another trick that I am missing? I really hope so. Would love to hear how you guys are styling the mobile break points, in regards to what you see in the designer versus what you actually see on real devices?
I really hope I missed something…
Thanks so much
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