• Mobile Div is NOT setting to Display: None

I’m trying to make a popover nav menu for mobile. For some reason, the div that is supposed to be the menu does NOT display: none, even though it’s set in the menu. This causes the mobile pop over menu to be open, but just invisible over the main page content. The buttons in the mobile pop over menu are still able to be pressed.

The settings pattern I’m using for the mobile menu seems to work fine for desktop popover menu though.

These are the settings for the mobile pop over div:

Any ideas what is going on?

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi @Michael_Ninh, there is an open bug right now, that affects to the device visibilty options and the display none styling. A solution is being made for this, but as fix has not yet been pushed out.

Take a peek at my video for a workaround: Screen Recording 2017-08-04...

I will provide an update here once we push out a fix for this behavior.

I hope this helps

Awesome, thanks for the great video!

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