Mix various CMS data inside of an inline text block

You can just use an embed in the page and add the dynamic content from inside the embed element.


  • You can put the embed widget on a dynamic page or anywhere.
  • Add your content like <h1>heading content stuff for: **dynamic content here**</h>
  • Put your cursor where you want the dynamic content
  • Add the desired field found in the upper right corner.
  • Pick the field you want.
  • Save!

woot! :raised_hands:

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hey @vincent - the video content is no longer available. Can you upload to youtube at all?

I don’t even recall what I was showing. Can you please describe what you want to do and I’ll help you with it. An example of what you’re aiming for and a read only link would be ace.

Hi Vincent I’m trying to put several texts together (some are CMS) one besides the other and I can’t get it right. Can you upload again your example?

This seems like a really elegant solution @Javin_Towers! Can you give a little more context on how you connected the HTML Embed Code element to the CMS item?