Hi! I am attempting to design a navbar where the current page is always underlined (on the home page, I’d like the “Work” link to be underlined at the start), and then when hovering over the other link (in this case, the “Info” link), the current page underline disappears and an underline animation triggers on whatever link you’re hovering on. I am fairly sure I figured something out – I got the interaction to work correctly if you hover on and away from the links on the navbar, but for some reason when the page is opened initially, the “Info” link is already underlined instead of “Work”. Can anyone help with this mismatched interaction? Thanks much!
edit** solved!
I wasn’t familiar with the “Initial State” checkbox and had it checked on both the hover in and hover out interactions, when it only needed to be checked on the hover in.
Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)