Megamenu of my havebar disapear when i hover on it

I built a navbar and submenu divblock, Ive implemented the interaction hover and works well, when i hover the navbar link the submenu shows, but issue is that when i hover the submenu with my mouse it does disappear.

Please help am frustrated

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi @Francois_Crepes,
Did you fixed the mega menu?

No not yet!! Didn’t get any help yet

Ah okay, I don’t mind helping ya. If you post your read only link. And kind of go over your explanation again to make sure I understand clearly.

I had the same struggle and took the challenge…
Here’s the result. You can see the structure.

Hi Everybody!
I just uploaded an megamenu similar to Webflow website and its Cloneable.
Its 100% Responsive and very clean structure.
Go ahead and give it try.