I have cloned a site of a map locator and changed the styling to show what I need. I have published the site with my MapBox API placed into the coding but for some reason my map still wont show…
Webflow - VTNZ Testing here is a preview link to my site, any help would be greatly appreicated as I am not familar at all with JS but really wanting to use this map design!!
I’ve not worked with with mapbox but if you look in the console you’ll see a number of errors on the page. They should provide a good starting point for mapbox support docs. A screenshot of the initial ones is below, my guess would be a configuration issue.
I’m assuming you’re using your own mapbox accessToken in the code, as I’m not seeing obvious errors indicating a security problem.
The only other thing that immediately stands out at a glance is this duplicate jquery reference. Webflow already includes jQuery so you likely won’t want to load it twice. Remove this from the body.