I want a lightbox to appear when i click on the images. Can someone help me with that?
Thank you.
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I want a lightbox to appear when i click on the images. Can someone help me with that?
Thank you.
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
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Checkout the Webflow University. Great info on how to setup a light box.
Trust me. I have seen all those videos and they are great help. But this time i can’t figure it out
Can You direct me to the specific page where you want to click on the image so the light box will appear, so I will try to help
Thank you. I really appreciate that. It is the grid images that i want to become a lightbox.
If You want Lightbox to appear when click on the image - You have to use light box component! I didn’t find any Light box on your page, so nothing will appear
I really recommend You to take @Drew_Schafer suggestion and jump to the webflow university.
The thing is that i dont get the Lightbox to wrap around the image…
You don’t have any Light Box in this page - here is A video to guide You what to do for having Light Box in your page. Hope it helps
Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it!